Concept of file sharing on blackboard

Why Cross-Company Communication is Essential to your Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is about changing the way businesses view their processes and how they operate.

It means a shift in processes, culture and even sometimes a shake-up to the very identity of an organisation. One way in which digital transformation is often felt, is through the methods by which employees and departments communicate with one another. With more remote workers, and the need to share sensitive data with clients, companies are having to rethink their strategies for sharing files, communicating, and video conferencing.

Improving internal and external communication propels organisations to higher levels of productivity and innovation. Cross-company communication is not just important, it is vital for reasons beyond the ability to make information flow.

Unifying connections between your business and clients

Better communication between your business and clients provides several salient advantages including keeping information flowing, where everyone is on the same page which in turn helps operations to run smoothly; and creating a link between communication and collaboration – getting people out of their shells and into a collaborative environment, working towards a common goal which is greater than the sum of the organisations parts.

Avoid using Email

Email is often used to share files, but it is not very secure especially if you or your clients are using one of the larger free email services such as Yahoo!, Gmail, or Hotmail/

Even most pay-for-use services provide limited security to you and your clients since you can only ensure that your end of the email transmission is secure. If you must send a file by email, you should password protect it and ensure only your client knows the password.

Use Cloud-based Sharing

The BondiSuite Cloud-based solution provides secure file-sharing services with greater security protection for confidential information. Enhanced for business purposes, it is designed to address strict legislative requirements and user permissions.

We will discuss your company workflow with you in detail and provide you with a Cloud solution perfectly tailored to your corporate needs.

Demonstrate that your company is in touch with modern times

Fast, efficient, and effective communication and collaboration promotes a holistic approach to operations, business, and delivers high value to customers.

How can you improve cross-company communication?

Built on Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Backed by the industry-leading AWS, security and scalability to deliver uptime and protect from attacks.

Easy to Use, Simple to Manage
With a modern and intuitive interface, using BondiSuite is easy for end users and admins to get work done fast, and efficiently, with a seamless experience across devices.

Implement with Minimal Disruption Clear expectations, an outlier plan, and scheduled timelines ensure a smooth transition, so you can make the switch quickly and confidently. The admin portal makes it easy to add new users, upgrade permissions, increase storage, in real time.
When you have staff working remotely you should invest in a private, secure Cloud system that is bespoke and configured to your corporations’ exact needs. Allowing both workers in the office, and the remote workers to make calls, share files, type conversations, and link through video with complete security, and ultimate confidence.

Plan for the expected, the unexpected, and everything in-between with the right tools, advice, and software from the BondiPlatform cooperative collection; BondiSuite – sign up for our newsletter and contact us today to find out more.

All you need to do now is click and decide. It’s that simple!

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